Central States Hound Show
The date for the show is May 3, 2025. The show this year returns home and will be held at the Fin and Feather facility of the Mission Valley Hunt Club. A special thanks to Steve and Alisa
Thomas for hosting the hound show these past few years.
There will be a reception Friday night at the MVH Club House located on the show grounds. The reception is provided without cost to the members of the Central States Hound Show Club and
exhibitors. It is an opportunity to meet the judges as well as to socialize. Lunch on Saturday will be available for purchase from the Horse and Hound Pony Club. We have enclosed a list of
places to stay that are conveniently located to the show grounds.
Please remember your obligation to return trophies cleaned and engraved to the show for presentation this year.
There are always questions regarding Leishmaniasis regarding the hound show. Current guidance for recognized hound shows provided by the MFHA, is as follows:
“Any hunt with confirmed Leishmaniasis in their kennel must provide negative test results for each competing hound, from a licensed veterinarian, within 6 months of the show date.”
We warmly encourage you to come join in the friendly gathering to show your hounds and have a good time. We look forward to seeing you on May 2nd and 3rd.