Source: Bridlespur Hunt, Great Plains District
Purpose: Raise funds for the hunt, build landowner relations, engage juniors and foster hunt camaraderie.
How it Works:
This combination trivia competition and silent auction is an annual hunt fundraiser that Bridlespur Joint Master Jean Mutrux describes as, “wildly successful.” She says their hunt has run a Hunter Jumper Show for over 95 years. However, “Some years that doesn’t make as much money as our Trivia Night, and it’s definitely more work!”
The venue for this event is a local recreation center and is a perennial sellout that includes hunt members as well as the “non-horsey” general public. It’s widely promoted on-line, and the hunt’s juniors are especially helpful selling tickets.
Tables for the evening are sold for $180 for eight seats and $225 for ten seats. Single tickets are also sold. Each table brings their own snacks. In combination with their silent auction proceeds, the evening typically brings in more than $8000. The bonus is a portion of this is coming from sources outside the hunt.
During the trivia portion of the evening the tables compete with one another and a local radio host facilitates the questions and answers. Typically, they have ten trivia categories with ten questions each. Categories might include architecture, Supreme Court justices, Disney characters, texting lingo, sports and fashion questions, and whatever else can be fun and engage people. The table with the best score wins a cash prize of $200, which they are encouraged to donate to the hunt.
The silent auction is open when people walk in, and the trivia competition is given a 20 minute break to let people focus on the auction items. Members, local businesses and artists contribute items such as apparel and tack, game tickets, shooting outings, paintings, woodworking, jewelry, dog grooming, rides with the whips, hunter pace entries and more. Some years, there’s a live auction for high-dollar items.
Jean concludes, “With good promotion, this event is easy money!” To learn more about Bridlespur’s success with their Trivia Night & Silent Auction, the MFHA can connect you with Jean and her talented fundraisers.
For more information about this practice, contact the MFHA at 540-883-0883 or
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