
Join us at the Symposium on Hunting with Hounds on July 26-28!

Notes from the Field

Showcase Your Great Ideas!

The mission of the Masters of Foxhounds Association is to promote, preserve and protect mounted hunting in North America. To further that effort, the MFHA has launched a shared collection of successful practices of member hunts.

Perhaps you’ve picked up some good ideas for your hunt while chatting with someone from another hunt. Perhaps it happened at a joint meet, an MFHA seminar, on a phone call, or online. However, as MFHA president Penny Denegre says, “There’s a large number of hunts doing smart things that too often go unnoticed.”

Let’s change that!

To help boost the exchange of these ideas and success stories, the MFHA is collecting them in a compendium called Notes from the Field. These are activities that hunts have found useful for:

  • social events
  • hound care
  • safety
  • fundraising
  • landowner and community relations
  • engaging youngsters
  • land preservation
  • whatever helps nurture fox hunting in their area!


The collection will be regularly updated and made available in the newsletter, on the website, and in periodic hard copy versions. Let’s combine our best ideas to promote, preserve and protect the sport we love!

Entries posted with “Notes” are for information and education and represent the views, opinions, conclusions, recommendations and experiences of the submitting parties. Their inclusion does not constitute endorsement or warranty by the MFHA of the accuracy, applicability, fitness or completeness of the postings.

Submit Your Tips

The MFHA will contact hunts for their great ideas, but don’t wait! Contact the MFHA headquarters and they will follow up to learn about and help share your successful practice.

illustration of fox in professor outfit teaching hound who is taking notes

Notes from the Field

The Fun Flight

Moore County Hounds MFH Cameron Sadler and her hunt members are enthusiastic about a practice that has proven so successful that her juniors named it, “The Fun Flight.” Once a month, Cameron, the senior master, leads a group and tailors their outing to the level of the riders and their horses. The day is for riders of all ages but is especially popular with youngsters who want to be introduced to the sport.
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Foxhunter’s Day at the State Capitol

Deep Run Hunt’s ex-MFH, Ginny Perrin, describes this as one of the most valuable initiatives a hunt can pursue to protect the future of our sport. It involves an event—a hunt’s annual visit with state legislators—but ideally, it is part of a continuous dialogue maintained with state legislators and game commissioners. 
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The Hunt Season Booklet

Princess Anne Joint-MFH Ed Mitchel says their Hunt Season Booklet, “has been very successful and we’re happy if other hunts replicate it.” The booklet, now in its third year, brings in over $13K during summer months, which also helps with cash flow.
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Trivia Night & Silent Auction Fundraiser

This combination trivia competition and silent auction is an annual hunt fundraiser that Bridlespur Joint Master Jean Mutrux describes as, “wildly successful.” She says their hunt has run a Hunter Jumper Show for over 95 years. However, “Some years that doesn’t make as much money as our Trivia Night, and it’s definitely more work!”
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Building a Junior Hunter Program

When Huntsman Ryan Johnsey became MFH of the Tennessee Valley Hunt (TVH) in 2016, he realized how fragile his hunt was without a game plan to bring in the next generation of foxhunters.  At that time, they had two Junior Subscribers.
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How to Engage the Young & New Foxhunters

At the MFHA’s July 2024 Symposium in Charlottesville, Mia Valdez of the Keswick Hunt and Caelinn Leahy of Fox River Valley shared proven ways to draw youngsters and new faces to foxhunting. Their overarching advice is to directly address the concerns these potential participants may have, as well as the obstacles that confront them. Once they are engaged, the camaraderie and thrill of the sport will keep them!
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Landowner’s Foxhunting Manual

Since 2010, Sean Cully, Joint MFH of the Rose Tree-Blue Mountain Hunt (RT-BMH) has opened over 90 parcels of land for his hunt.  Naturally, this has entailed much paneling, opening trails, etc., but it all had to start with landowner permissions. His wife Maryann created a manual to facilitate connecting with, and maintaining communication with landowners, and his joint-master Edward Franco has helped with the distribution.
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The Landowner Seminar

As Warrenton’s Joint-MFH Sue Bopp says, “In this day and age it’s a gift and honor to be allowed to hunt over a landowner’s property. One way to thank them is to offer a gift in return.” Accordingly, in 2023 her hunt offered a free “Landowner Seminar” and lunch to landowners in Warrenton’s territory. She adds, “We thought we’d get about 10 attendees, instead we got 17.”
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The Vixens Meet

OCH board member Jane Bishop and co-organizer Emily Hannum jumped on the vixens meet concept when Emily saw its success at another hunt. Jane states: “I’ve worked on many fund-raisers, and have found this is the most easy and fun way to raise funds to supplement hunt subscriptions. It’s also an exciting and super cool way to celebrate women fox hunters!” Here’s how they do it.
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The Hound Challenge

The Hound Challenge is a competition to evaluate hounds in the Woodbrook pack and to engage members in the process. Members can bid on the opportunity to “own” a hound with the hope that it’s judged the best performing hound of the Woodbrook pack for the season. Woodbrook MFH Melody Fleckenstein describes the auction and competition as, “the single best thing we have done to promote the actual sport.” Not only is it a great fundraiser, but it boosts member enthusiasm for, and knowledge of, hound work.
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Triage & Emergency Care of Injured Rider in the Hunting Field

As former MFHA President and Iroquois MFH Jack van Nagell states, “Our protocol is to do everything possible for optimum safe evacuation and recovery of an injured rider.” The protocol is a list of recommendations that Iroquois is making available to all MFHA hunts. Highlights below.
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